I cherish a vision of a socio-political nonviolent world order free from exploitation and injustice and the purpose of my life is to strive for it relentlessly. I believe that it can become a reality only if we succeed in instilling ideals of ahimsa and tolerance into children at an early age. We need to launch a global programme of action embedded in a culture of peace and nonviolence for the children of the world. It makes it imperative for us to start a worldwide campaign to train and educate children in the healing power of ahimsa which alone can ensure our survival into the third millennium. I pledge himself to inspire people to make nonviolence a way of life and embrace reverential ecology as expounded in Jainism which recognizes the sanctity of all forms of life on this planet. I am a dedicated Anuvrat worker and believe that Anuvrat Code of Conduct is a blueprint for a sustainable world.


It relates to nonviolence and peace education, nonviolent conflict resolution, economics of nonviolence, training in nonviolence, Jainism, Jain Ecology, sustainability, spirituality and religious reconciliation. I have been popularizing ANUVRAT MOVEMENT based on a carefully drawn moral code of conduct at global level. The word ‘ANUVRAT’ means a ‘small or basic vow’. Lord Mahavira laid down twelvefold Anuvrat Code of Conduct for his votaries. Mahavrats (vows that are great or big) are meant for ascetics (shramans).

ANUVRAT MOVEMENT, launched by a leading Jain religious leader of India, Late His Holiness Ganadhipati TULSI, in 1949, is a Jain peace movement which persuades individuals to commit themselves to certain basic human values. It encourages interreligious dialogues and promotes interfaith unity. ANUVRAT MOVEMENT aims at moral and spiritual transformation of the individual and society. This movement considers nonviolence as the only way to rid this world of violent and bloody conflicts rooted in racism and fundamentalism and advocates ecological and environmental balance. It expects its adherents to refrain from inessential and deliberate violence. The movement made strides under the dynamic leadership of Late His Holiness Acharya Mahapragya and the legacy of moral awakening is being carried further by His Holiness Acharya Mahashraman – successor to Acharya Mahapragya.

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