UN Related Mega Events to which Dr. Gandhi was Invited

  1. UN World Summit for Social Development held at Copenhagen, Denmark from March 06 to March 12, 1995.

    Presented a paper at a special seminar on Anuvrat Movement and Social Integration. ANUVIBHA succeeded in getting temporary accreditation as UN associated NGO and was invited to attend this historic UN Summit along with heads off member states.

    Denmark hosted this UN Summit on Poverty Elimination, Generation of Employment and Social Integration. A special dome equipped with all amenities spread in about a kilometer area. Representatives of Un accredited NGOs were allowed to attend the Assembly along with Heads of Govts.

  2. Was invited by the then President of UN General Assembly as a Panel Speaker at the Interactive Hearing of the United Nations General Assembly with Civil Society held from Oct 04 to Oct 05, 2007.

    Selection was made by the Task Force purely on merit basis out of more than a thousand entries received from UN accredited NGOs based in 192 countries.

    Spoke before a galaxy of the representatives of member states including foreign ministers from 192 countries on Challenges of Interreligious and Intercultural Understanding and Cooperation and ahimsa on the occasion of a High Level Dialogue by UN General Assembly.

Participation and Presentation of Papers at the UN-DPI (DGC) and NGOs Annual Conference
  1. Attended the 58th Annual UN-DPI NGO Conference held at New York from Aug 26 to Aug 29, 2006.

    Presented a paper on Training in Nonviolence – A Long Term Strategy to Prevent Terrorism and War at the Midday Workshop.

  2. Attended the 62nd UN-NGO Conference held at Mexico from Sept 09 to Sept 11, 2009. Chaired the workshop on Elimination of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Dismantling Terror Through the Power of Nonviolence.

  3. Attended 63rd Annual United Nations DPI NGO Conference held in Melbourne, Australia from Aug 30 to Sept 01 and moderated / chaired a workshop on a New Paradigm of a Healthy Lifestyle for Peace and Sustainability.

  4. Was a Keynote Speaker at the Workshop on the Eco-sustainability of the Future at the 65th International UN-DPI held at UN headquarters New York on Aug 27, 2014.
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