Detailed Profile


(Sohan Lal Jain Gandhi)


April 5, 1935


M.A. (English Literature and Sociology);
B.Ed., M.Phil. (ELT) from Rajasthan University Jaipur and Ph.D. from Universidad Azteca Mexico and also from Universidad Central de Nicaragua under the dual degree programme of IOUF the Netherlands from which I had earned this degree in 1999 originally.


E-601, Ashadeep Green Avenue,
Goner Road,Near Akshay Patra, Jagatpura,
JAIPUR – 302 017 (Rajasthan) INDIA


+91-98280 16989


Made a panel presentation at the Interactive Hearing of the United Nations General Assembly with Civil Society on Oct 04 and Oct 05, 2007 at UN headquarters New York on the occasion of the High Level Dialogue on Interreligious Understanding and Cooperation for Peace organized by the then President of UN General Assembly. My nomination was selected by the task force appointed by the UN General Assembly President. I was the only representative from Asia. Passed M.Phil. (ELT) with 68 % (First Division) and secured the first position in the University of Rajasthan, 1982.

Indian Coordinator, International Institute of Peace Studies and Global Philosophy France / UK ( Member, Board of Governors, Intercultural Open University Foundation (IOUF) USA/Spain ( Lifelong Trustee, Anuvrat Vishva Bharati (ANUVIBHA) (
Founder and Chair, Vardhaman Centre for Global Nonviolence

Past Position Held

Was the President of Anuvrat Vishva Bharati (ANUVIBHA) from 2006 to 2009.
Was International President of Anuvrat Vishva Bharati– Anuvrat Global Organization (ANUVIBHA) from 2010 to 2020.
Was President, Jaipur Chapter Public Relations Society of India – 1998 to 2002.
Was Chair, Anuvrat International, a Unit of ANUVIBHA from 2000 to 2004.

I cherish a vision of a socio-political nonviolent world order free from exploitation and injustice and the purpose of my life is to strive for it relentlessly. I believe that it can become a reality only if we succeed in instilling ideals of ahimsa and tolerance into children at an early age. We need to launch a global programme of action embedded in a culture of peace and nonviolence for the children of the world. It makes it imperative for us to start a worldwide campaign to train and educate children in the healing power of ahimsa which alone can ensure our survival into the third millennium. I pledge himself to inspire people to make nonviolence a way of life and embrace reverential ecology as expounded in Jainism which recognizes the sanctity of all forms of life on this planet. I am a dedicated Anuvrat worker and believe that Anuvrat Code of Conduct is a blueprint for a sustainable world.

It relates to nonviolence and peace education, nonviolent conflict resolution, economics of nonviolence, training in nonviolence, Jainism, Jain Ecology, sustainability, spirituality and religious reconciliation. I have been popularizing ANUVRAT MOVEMENT based on a carefully drawn moral code of conduct at global level. The word ‘ANUVRAT’ means a ‘small or basic vow‘. Lord Mahavira laid down twelvefold Anuvrat Code of Conduct for his votaries. Mahavrats (vows that are great or big) are meant for ascetics (shramans).

ANUVRAT MOVEMENT, launched by a leading Jain religious leader of India, Late His Holiness Ganadhipati TULSI, in 1949, is a Jain peace movement which persuades individuals to commit themselves to certain basic human values. It encourages interreligious dialogues and promotes interfaith unity. ANUVRAT MOVEMENT aims at moral and spiritual transformation of the individual and society. This movement considers nonviolence as the only way to rid this world of violent and bloody conflicts rooted in racism and fundamentalism and advocates ecological and environmental balance. It expects its adherents to refrain from inessential and deliberate violence. The movement made strides under the dynamic leadership of Late His Holiness Acharya Mahapragya and the legacy of moral awakening is being carried further by His Holiness Acharya Mahashraman – successor to Acharya Mahapragya.

  • Presented a paper on The Roots of Nonviolence : A Jain Perspective at the Third International Conference on Peacemaking in the Buddhist Context organized by the University of Hawaii Institute for Peace and Sa Won De temple at Honolulu, U.S.A. from May 23 to May 28, 1987.
  • Delivered a public lecture on ‘Nonviolent Jain Tradition‘ at the University of Hawaii on May 27, 1987.
  • Delivered a lecture on Anuvrat Movement and its Impact on Individual Lifestyle at the Institute of Oriental Philosophy, Tokyo, Japan on June 03, 1987.
  • Delivered a lecture at the West London Institute of Higher Education, BFSS National Religious Education Centre on ‘Interpretation and Significance of Ratnatraya (Three Jewels) in Jainism‘ on June 01, 1988.
  • Made a panel presentation on Peace Through Ahimsa at the International Peace Conference organized by National Coalition USA in support of UN SSD III at Fordham University, New York, U.S.A. from June 07 to June 09, 1988.
  • Led a workshop on ANUVRAT MOVEMENT and Peace at the 43rd Anniversary World Conference for a Nuclear-Free World organized by GENSUIKIN (Japanese Congress against A and H Bombs) at Tokyo and Hiroshima, Japan from Aug 01 to Aug 06, 1988.
  • Presented a paper on “ELT (English Language Teaching) and Translation : Some Pedagogic Implications” at the annual conference of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) held at the University of Warwick, UK from Mar 31 to Apr 03, 1989.
  • Had a dialogue on the basic principles of Jainism with Rev. Father J McTernan of the St. Assisi Centre, Holland Park, London on Apr 04 and Apr 05, 1989.
  • Delivered a lecture on ‘The Jain View of Nonviolence‘ at the Centre for Interfaith Programme, London, UK on Apr 06, 1989.
  • Attended a meeting of women of South Asia and Pacific Region held at Tashkent, USSR at the invitation of Soviet Women’s Committee from May 15 to May 21, 1989 and spoke on the Status of Women in Rajasthan.
  • Held wide-ranging discussions on Peace and Nonviolence with Dr. Fattah, President, UZBEK Society for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries in his office at Tashkent, Uzbekistan on May 18, 1989.
  • Held discussions about Anuvrat Movement with Mrs. Joya Pukhova, the then President of Soviet Women’s Committee in the airplane while flying from Tashkent to Moscow, Russia on May 22, 1989.
  • Delivered a lecture on Indian Cultural Heritage at the Special School 26th MOSCOW on May 25, 1989.
  • Attended the first Congress of International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA) as a special invitee held at the Hague, the Netherlands from Sept 22 to Sept 25, 1989. I was invited to speak on Anuvrat Movement and Its Message of Peace at a plenary session.
  • Held wide ranging discussions with the members of the Board of Cooperation for Peace now renamed as Peace Quest International about its Projects of Peace Study, Peace Voyages, Peace Study weeks and Peace Quest Tours at Stockholm, Sweden from Sept 26 to Sept 30, 1989. I also gave brief talk on Anuvrat Movement on this occasion.
  • Presented a paper on ‘Translating Jain Didactic Literature: A Selective Study‘ at the annual conference of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEAFL) held at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland from Mar 27 to Mar 31, 1990.
  • Delivered a lecture on ‘Ahimsa and Aparigraha: the Greatest Commandments of Jainism‘ at the Centre for India and Interreligious Studies, Rome, Italy on Apr 05, 1990.
  • Had a dialogue with the President and other office bearers of the Community of St. Egidio and organizers of the International Meeting for Peace in Rome on Apr 07, 1990.
  • Conducted a workshop on Anuvrat and Preksha Meditation at the Institute for Peace, University of Hawaii, U.S.A. on Aug 11, 1990 in response to an invitation by Prof. Glenn D. Paige and exchanged views with him. I also met the Vice-President of the University of Hawaii and exchanged views with him on the Jain Principle of Ahimsa.
  • Had a very useful dialogue on conflict resolution, peace and ahimsa with Prof. Glenn D. Paige in his office in Honolulu, U.S.A.
  • Presented a paper at the dialogue group theme D entitled ‘The Jain Encounter with Other Religious Traditions‘ at the Assembly of World’s Religions held at San Francisco, U.S.A. from Aug 15 to Aug 21, 1990. It was organized by the International Religious Foundation based in New York.
  • Lectured on the Concept of Ahimsa at the Jain Centre of San Francisco, USA on Aug 18, 1990.
  • Visited Victoria British Columbia Canada on Aug 21, 1990 in response to an invitation from Marks McAvity, the then Executive Director, World Interfaith Colleges Association, and held informal discussions with the Board Members of WICA and its President about the possibility of establishing the first World Interfaith College in India.
  • Had a dialogue with the members of the group who support “Alternatives to Violence” at the Friends Meeting House VICTORIA BC Canada on Aug 23, 1990.
  • Held a dialogue with Dr. Satayendra Banerjee and Dr. Maya Banerjee, Division of Medical Microbiology, UBC Serology, Provincial Laboratory Vancouver BC Canada on Aug 25, 1990 on Jivan Vigyan and on the possibility of starting an Open Rural School at Rajsamand (Rajasthan) INDIA.
  • Visited the Department of Theology, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, USA in response to an invitation by Dr. Christopher Chapple and gave a talk on Jain Principle of nonviolence before studentsAug 26, 1990.
  • Attended the JAINA Convention held at Stanford, California from July 04 to July 06, 1991 and made a presentation on Universality of Jainism on the closing plenary session on July 06, 1991.
  • Was also invited by Dr. Sulekh Jain, President, JAINA, to make a presentation on Whether Jainism Can Become a World Religion at the meeting of the Directors of the Jain Centres of North America on July 05, 1991.
  • Held a dialogue with ARUMUGA SWAMI, Managing Editor of HINDUISM TODAY in his temple at Concord, California, U.S.A. on July 07, 1991 and gave a talk on nonviolence in a class of the new initiates of Hinduism the same evening.
    Delivered a lecture on Anuvrat Movement at the Jain Centre of Houston, USA on July 08, 1991.
  • Delivered a lecture on Jainism at the Jain Centre of New York, U.S.A. on July 09, 1991.
  • Visited the Jain Shrine Siddhachalam, New Jersey, USA and held a dialogue with its founder Acharya Muni Sushil Kumarji on various religious issues on July 10, 1991.
  • Presented a copy of the Rajsamand Declaration on Nonviolence Training to Mr. Washburn, Director, Executive Office of the Secretary General UNO in his office at New York, USA on July 12, 1991 and exchanged views with him on the role of NGOs in conflict resolution and world peace.
  • Met Pramukha Swamiji of Swami Narayan sect and acquainted him with the mission of His Holiness Acharya Tulsi and Acharya Mahapragya on the eve of the Cultural Festival of India organized by him near New York, U.S.A. on July 14, 1991.
  • Attended New Delhi Congress organized by Interreligious Federation for World Peace, New York, USA at New Delhi from Feb 02 to Feb 07, 1993 and presented a paper on Acharya Tulsi at a dialogue group and led the Jain prayer.
  • Attended a five week course on Gaia, Ecology and Systems View of Life at Schumacher College, Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon, U.K., organized from May 31, 1993 to June 30, 1993 with Dr. Fritjof Capra as Scholar in Residence.
    Made a major presentation on Anuvrat Movement – The Jain Pathway to Self-Transformation and World Peace at the Parliament of World’s Religions held at Chicago, U.S.A. from July 30 to Aug 05, 1993. It was organized after one hundred years of the first parliament held in 1883 at the same hotel at which Swami Vivekanand spoke.
  • Delivered a series of lectures on Anuvrat, Jainism and Nonviolence at the Departments of Sociology, Philosophy and Psychology and at the Institute of Spirituality, Duquesne University, Pittsberg, U.S.A. from Aug 07 to Aug 09, 1993 in response to an invitation by Prof. Bill Headly.
  • Held a dialogue and exchanged views with the faculty members in a special meeting at the Institute of Conflict Resolution and Analysis, George Mason University, Fairfield, U.S.A. on Aug 10, 1993.
  • Led a workshop on Nonviolent Conflict Resolution and participated in a panel discussion at the Annual IPB Conference held at Barcelona from Oct 20 to Oct 22, 1994 hosted by Fundacia Per La Pau (Peace Foundation) Katalunia (Spain). The theme of the conference was One World or None. I also made a panel presentation on the theme of the conference.
  • Delivered a lecture at Oki Do Centre, Roma, Italy on ‘Living the Good Life and Anuvrat Movement‘ on Oct 25, 1994.
    Had a dialogue with Master Yuji Yahiro, Spiritual Head of Oki Do Federation at his Ashram in Pesaro, Italy for two days from Oct 26 to Oct 27, 1994.
  • Attended the U N World Summit for Social Development held in Copenhagen, Denmark from Mar 06 to Mar 12, 1995 and made a presentation at a special seminar on Anuvrat Movement and its Contribution to Social Integration. It was for the first time that the UNO invited Heads of Govts and the representatives of NGOs ANUVIBHA was given temporary accreditation.
  • Attended the International Encounter organized by Oki Do Federation of Italy at Milan from Apr 25 to May 02, 1995 as a panel speaker and led a special workshop on nonviolence at the same conference.
  • Delivered three public lectures on ahimsa organized by Peace Quest International, Stockholm, Sweden from May 2 to 7, 1995 at Stockholm and Upsala and had a dialogue with Mr. Jan Fjllander, Director and other members of staff of Peace Quest International on Anuvrat and Ecology.
  • Presented a paper on ‘Many Faces of Nonviolence: Resolving Communal Conflicts‘ at Nonviolence Commission, International Peace Research Association (IPRA) hosted by the University of Queensland from July 07 to July 13, 1996 at Brisbane, Australia.
  • Presented a paper on Ethnic and Communal Conflicts with Particular Reference to the Indian Subcontinent: An Overview, Causes and Countermeasures at the International Peace Conference organized by the Graduate Institute of Peace Studies, Kyung Hee University at Seoul, Korea from Sept 17 to Sept 19, 1996.
  • Delivered a lecture on the Beneficial Impact of Nonviolent Living and Preksha Meditation on our Life at a special meeting of the selected students of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea organized by Professor Seligson on Sept 20, 1996.
  • Delivered a special lecture on Peace in Asia Pacific Region at the 20th Model United Nations General Assembly held in Seoul, Korea on Sept 21, 1996.
  • Presented a paper on Nonviolent Jain Tradition: Unique Features and Common Values at an International Seminar organized by Interreligious Federation for World Peace of U.S.A. at Hamdard University, New Delhi from Dec 12 to Dec 15, 1996.
  • Made a panel presentation on the theme “The Quintessence of Life” at the IV International Encounter organized by Oki Do Federation of Italy on Mar 30, 1997 at Roma, Italy.
  • Delivered a speech on “The Role of Religions in Creating a Peaceful World” at a meeting organized by Dr. Thomas C. Daffern, Director, Gandhi Foundation, Kingsley Hall, Brownlow-bow, London on Apr 03, 1997.
  • Delivered a lecture on Gandhi and Ahimsa at a meeting organized by Gandhi Centre, Gandhi Bapu Memorial Trust, Chapman Crescent Kenton Middlesex, London on Apr 03, 1997.
  • Attended United Religions Initiative World Assembly organized by reverend Bishop Swing of California, U.S.A. at Stanford, San Francisco from June 22 to June 27, 1997.
  • On my way back I had an opportunity to witness the ceremony of handing over Hong Kong to China on June 30, 1997.
    Spoke at a seminar on policy, ethics and values organized by Dr. Thomas C. Daffern, Director, International Institute of Peace Studies and Global Philosophy, UK held at the House of Lords, London on July 06, 1998.
  • Presented a paper on Jain Principle of Ahimsa and Ecology at the Centre for the Study of World Religions, Harvard University at the International Conference on Jainism and Ecology held from July 11 to July 12, 1998.
    Had a dialogue on the Strategies to Present Jainism as a World Religion at various forums with the members of the Institute of Jainology, UK on July 14, 1998 in London.
  • Presented a paper at the Parliament of the World’s Religions held at Cape Town, South Africa from Dec 01 to Dec 08, 1999 on the Jain Principle of Anekant and Human Survival.
  • Presented a paper on the Jain View of Poverty: Strategies for Prevention and Minimization at the International Interreligious Dialogue on Humankind, Nature and Technology: The Contribution of Religions held at Hannover on Sept 12, 2000. My paper was based on Acharya Mahapragya’s classic Economics of Mahavira. It was organized by the Protestent and the Catholic Churches of Germany as well as the Expo 2000 representatives.
  • Presented a paper on The Jain Principle of Anekant and Reconciliation at the International Conference on Reconciliation organized by Henry Martin Institute at Hyderabad from Nov 06 to Nov 08, 2001.
  • Made a presentation on the project of starting a model school at Jaipur based on the ideals of peace, democracy and human development at the meeting of the Peace Quest International (PQI) at Stockholm, Sweden on Dec 06, 2001.
  • Attended the Right Livelihood Award Presentation Ceremony held in the Swedish Parliament on Dec 07, 2001. I hadan illuminating dialogue on Anuvrat movement and its activities with the founder of the Right Livelihood Award.
    Had an extremely fruitful dialogue with some members of Swedish Parliament on Anuvrat Movement in a conference room of the Swedish Parliament about Peace Quest project in India on Dec 08, 2001.
  • Spoke on the Jain Principle of Anekant before an international interfaith gathering organized by United Religions Initiative at Bali, Indonesia from Dec 13 to Dec 15, 2001. The theme of this regional assembly was Pilgrims of Peace.
    Presented a paper on the Challenge of Racism under Globalization at a plenary session at the 19th General International Peace Research Association Conference held at Kyung Hee University, Suwon, Korea from July 01 to July 05, 2002.
  • Presented a paper on Jain Ecology: A Source of Survival into the Third Millennium at the international meeting on War and Peace: Faiths and Cultures Come Together organized by the Community of St. Egidio at AACHEN, Germany from Sept 07 to Sept 09, 2003. I was the only representative of the Jain Community of India.
  • Made an ice-breaking speech about the future of International Peace Research Association (IPRA) at a special plenary session organized by IPRA Secretary General Dr. Katsuya Kodama on the eve of IPRA’s 40th Anniversary held at Sopron, Hungary from July 05 to July 09, 2004.
  • The other Presentations made at IPRA’s 40th Anniversary Conference are :
  • Read a Paper at the Nonviolence Commission on Nonviolence in Indian Tradition.
  • Made an oral presentation at IPRA’s Peace Theories Commission on Peace : Concept and Practice.
    Presented a paper on Training Youths in Nonviolence: A Long-Term Strategy to Prevent Terrorism and War at the Midday Workshop organized on the eve of the 58th Annual DPI/NGO Conference, United Nations, Department of Public Information on Sept 08, 2005 at UN Headquarters, New York.
  • Attended the Eighth Assembly of World Religions held at Kyoto, Japan from Aug 26 to Aug 29, 2006 organized by World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP), USA and made a panel presentation on Religion and Peace. I also made a presentation at the Jain caucus.
  • Made a keynote speech on Economics of Nonviolence at a special session on Economics of Nonviolence organized by IGNOU, Indian Council of Gandhian Studies and Anuvibha at IGNOU Premises, Delhi on Jan 28 and Jan 29, 2007.
  • Made a presentation as an invited panel speaker on Interreligious and Intercultural Understanding and Cooperation for Peace at the Interactive Hearing of the United Nations General Assembly with Civil Society on Oct 04 & Oct 05, 2007 at UN Headquarters, New York on the eve of the High Level Dialogue organized by the President of UN General Assembly. I was invited by the President of the UN General Assembly and my nomination was selected by the Task Force appointed by the UN General Assembly. I was the only representative from Asia.
  • Made a panel presentation on Anekant : The Jaina Path of Peace and Reconciliation at the International Meeting organized by the Community of Sant Egidio at Nicosia, Cyprus held from Nov 16 to Nov 18, 2008. The theme of the conference was ‘The Civilization of Peace: Faiths and Cultures in Dialogue.
  • Made a panel presentation on The Jaina Way to Peace, Harmony and Social Excellence at the annual meeting of the Community of Sant Egidio held at Krakow – Poland from Sept 07 to Sept 09, 2009.
  • Attended the 62nd UN NGO Conference held at Mexico from Sept 09 to Sept 11, 2009 and chaired the workshop on Elimination of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Dismantling Terror through the Power of Nonviolence. I made introductory and concluding remarks on Nuclear Disarmament – Reconciling Security Between Indian and Pakistan with Basic Ethics and Through Nonviolence.
  • Delivered a special series of lectures on varying aspects of ahimsa at the Nonviolence Training Camp organized by JVB London Centre from Nov 01 to Nov 10, 2009.
  • Attended the Parliament of World’s Religions held at Melbourne from Dec 03 to Dec 09, 2009 and presented a paper at the panel on Jainism and Environment entitled A New Model of Nonviolent Lifestyle : The Jaina Way of Ecological Living and also spoke as a panelist at another panel on The Role of Religion and Mediating Conflicts.
  • Attended the 63rd Annual United Nations DPI/NGO Conference held in Melbourne (Australia) from Aug 30 to Sept 01, 2010 and also moderated / chaired a workshop entitled ‘A New Paradigm of a Healthy Lifestyle for Peace and Sustainability’. The theme of this UN Conference was Advancing Global Health and Millennium Development Goals. As chairperson of this workshop, I had the opportunity to expound the theme of this workshop.
  • Made a panel presentation on Ahimsa (nonviolence) as an Eternal Value of Life in the Jain Religious Tradition at the panel on Religion and Value of Life at the annual international meeting for peace organized by the Community of Sant Egidio at Munich (Germany) from Sept 11 to Sept 13, 2011.
  • Made another presentation on the Jain Response to the Problem of Environmental Degradation at another panel on Religion and Environment held on the same day at the above meeting during the meeting for peace held at Munich.
    Made a panel presentation on AHIMSA (Nonviolence) and Aparigraha (Non-possessiveness) at the first Plenary Session of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) on the occasion of its Biannual International Conference held at Tsu City, Japan from Nov 24 to Nov 28, 2012.
  • Read a paper on Nonviolence – The Only Way to Peace, Justice and Ecological Harmony at the biannual meeting of the Nonviolence Commission of IPRA on Nov 25, 2012.
  • Spoke on the Role of Religion in Promoting Peace at the meeting of the Commission on Peace and Religion of IPRA chaired by Prof. Bhatia.
  • Delivered a special lecture on Jainism and Ecology at the Institute of Oriental Philosophy, Tokyo on Nov 30, 2012. It was chaired by Dr. Yoishi Kawada, Director of the Institute.
  • Had a special dialogue with the Chairman and President of the Soka University and exchanged views with them on rethinking the curricula of education in view of globalization.
  • Delivered a special lecture on the basic Jain principles at the joint session of Japan Preksha Meditation Association and Oki Centre on Dec 01, 2012. I was invited by Master Sakamato, Founder of these organizations and a well-known Jain researcher of Japan.
  • Was the keynote speaker at the workshop on the Eco-Sustainability of the Future organized on the occasion of the 65th International DPI NGO Conference held at UN headquarters on Aug 27, 2014. My topic was “The Crisis of Unsustainability and the Vision of a Sustainable World. The workshop was moderated by Mr. Arvind Vora.
  • Participated in the annual international meeting for peace held at MUNSTER OSNABURCK, Germany from Sept 10 to Sept 12, 2017 organized by the Community of Sant Egidio, Rome. I made a panel presentation at Panel 10 of which the sub-theme was Religions Challenge themselves on Nonviolence. The title of my paper was Nonviolence : The Hallmark of the Jaina Religion.
  • Organized the First International Conference on Peace and Nonviolent Actionat Ladnun from Dec 05 to Dec 07, 1988. Its theme was Unifying Forces of Peace and Nonviolence. It was attended by more than two hundred national and international delegates. Both Acharya Tulsi and Yuvacharya Mahapragya (later Acharya Mahapragya) graced the occasion by their gracious presence.
  • Organized the Second ICPNAat Rajsamand from Feb 17 to Feb 21, 1991. Its theme was Evolving a Viable System to Train and Orient People in Nonviolence. It was attended by more than 175 national and international delegates.
  • Organized International Dialogue on Nonviolence Education and Training at Ladnun on Nov 26, 1992 attended by H.H. Anuvrat Anushasta Tulsi, his successor Yuvacharya Mahapragya and H.H. the Dalai Lama, Johan Galtung, Bernard Laffayettee, Ms. Robin Ludwig of U.N.O., Charles Alphin of King Centre, Georgia, U.S.A. and some eminent Gandhian scholars from India.
  • Organized International Preksha Meditation Camp at Jaipur from Mar 23 to Mar 27, 1994. It was attended by 23 sadhaks from India, Australia, Spain, Italy, Russia, U.K., Japan etc.
  • Organized the Third International Conference on Peace and Nonviolent Action with the theme Living in Harmony with Nature: Survival into the Third Millennium at Ladnun from Dec 17 to Dec 21, 1995. It was attended by 140 delegates hailing from 21 countries including India. Joseph Verner Reed, Under Secretary General and Special Envoy of the then UN Secretary General Dr. Boutrous Boutrous Ghali and Dr. Francisco Barahona, Rector, UN University for Peace, Costa Rica were the distinguished international guests.
  • Organized the Fourth International Conference on Peace and Nonviolent Action at Delhi from Nov 10 to Nov 14, 1999. The theme of this conference was Ahimsa, Peacemaking, Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management. It was attended by more than 60 Indian delegates and 40 overseas delegates hailing from 18 countries.
  • Organized the Fifth International Conference on Peace and Nonviolent Action at Children’s Peace Palace, Rajsamand (Rajasthan)/and at Mumbai from Feb 23 to Feb 28, 2003. Its theme was “Seeking the True Meaning of the Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World.” . It was attended by more than 90 delegates hailing from 13 countries including India.
  • Organized the First International Conference on Economics of Nonviolence and the Vision of a Sustainable World at Delhi from Dec 05 to Dec 07, 2005. His Holiness Acharya Mahapragya released a 13 point concept of a new model of nonviolence-oriented economics.
  • Organized the Second IOU Conference at Jai Mahal Palace Hotel, Jaipur from Feb 11 and Feb 12, 2006 which was attended by academics, scholars and IOU office bearers from India, Thailand, Japan, USA, Netherlands. The theme of the conference was Rethinking Education.
  • Organized an International Dialogue on Science, Spirituality and Intercultural Insights on Dec 28 and Dec 29, 2006 at Hotel Jaipur Palace sponsored by Rajasthan Patrika, Jaipur. It was jointly organized by Pt. Madhusudan Ojha Institute of Vedic Studis and Research and IOU of the Netherlands.
  • Organized the 6th International Conference on Peace and Nonviolent Action on the Challenge of Violence, Hunger and Poverty: Evolving Sustainable Countermeasures at Children’s Peace Palace, Rajsamand from Dec 23 to Dec 25, 2007. It was attended by 70 delegates from 13 countries including India.
  • Organized the First International Nonviolence Leadership Training Camp at Children’s Peace Palace, Rajsamand, India from Dec 26 to Dec 28, 2008 under the auspices of His Holiness Acharya Mahapragya and Yuvacharya Mahashraman.
  • Organized the 7th International Conference on Peace and Nonviolent Action on Exploring a New Model of Nonviolent Lifestyle for Universal Peace and Sustainability at Anuvibha Jaipur Kendra, Jaipur from Nov 10 to Nov 12, 2008. It was attended by delegates from 11 countries including India.
  • Organized the Second International Nonviolence Leadership Training Camp at Anuvibha Jaipur Kendra, Jaipur from Nov 13 to Nov 14, 2008.
  • Organized the Third International Nonviolence Leadership Training Camp at Children’s Peace Palace, Rajsamand (Raj.) from Feb 05 to Feb 07, 2010.
  • Organized the 8th International Conference on Peace and Nonviolent Action at Anuvibha Jaipur Kendra, Jaipur from Jan 05, 2014. The theme of this conference was “Towards a Nonviolent Future : Seeking Realistic Models of Peaceful Co-existence and Sustainability”. It was attended by 98 overseas delegates hailing from 21 countries and 78 Indian scholars and grassroots workers.
  • Organized a National Dialogue on Interreligious Understanding and Cooperation for Peace at New Delhi under the auspices of Acharya Shri Mahashraman on July 13, 2014. Five eminent spiritual leaders/scholars from different faiths attended it.
  • Organized the 9th ICPNA at Jaipur from Dec 17 to Dec 20, 2017. The theme of this conference was ‘Science, Spirituality and Universal Peace’.
  • Organized the 10th ICPNA at Terapanth Bhavan New Delhi from Dec 17 to Dec 20, 2019. The theme for the discussion was Training Children and Youths in Nonviolence is a Must for a Nonkilling and Sustainable Future. It was attended by 114 delegates hailing from 13 countries.
  • Was given a Certificate of Appreciation by City and County of Hololulu May, 1987 in recognition of his efforts to promote leadership for peace.
  • Honoured by H.H. Acharya Tulsi with a title Anuvrat Pravakta (Exponent of ANUVRAT Philosophy) at the Anuvrat Conference held in July 1987 in New Delhi.
  • Honoured with Scholarly Achievement Award along with a citation by the Institute of Oriental Philosophy Tokyo Japan on Nov 18, 1988.
  • Honoured at the Jain Centre of San Francisco on Aug 18, 1990.
  • Awarded Rajsamand Gaurav meaning Pride of Rajsamand by Gandhi Seva Sadan, a pioneering educational Institute of Rajsamand in Dec 1991.
  • Honoured with IOU Peace Award of the Year 2000 by Prof. Jan R. Hakemulder, International President, IOU, at a special function held in New Delhi in recognition of my contribution to the cause of global peace.
  • Awarded Acharya Tulsi Anekant Samman by Govind Saraogi Foundation of Kolkata and Jain Vishva Bharati, Ladnun jointly in the benign presence of His Holiness Acharya Mahapragya at Surat (Gujrat) in the year 2002. The award carried a citation and an amount of rupees one lakh in cash.
  • Awarded Anuvrat Gaurav Alankaran by Anuvrat Mahasamiti at the Annual Anuvrat Confrence held on Sept 09, 2017 at Kolkata under the auspices of His Holiness Acharya Shri Mahashraman.
  • Honoured with Devendra Purushkar 2017 by Gandhi Seva Sadan on Nov 26, 2017 at Rajsamand.
  • My interview on Jainism was prominently published in Honolulu Star Bulletin (Daily newspaper) on May 30, 1987.
    Interviewed by Tashkent Radio team on the Anuvrat Movement and Acharya Tulsi and the interview was broadcast on May 30 and May 31, 1989.
  • Interviews in Hindi and English on Jainism, Peace and Nonviolence were broadcast by Vatican Radio on June 08 and July 05, 1990. I was interviewed in Rome by Dr. Xavier Rajan, Vatican Radio.
  • Interviewed by Dr. M. Prabhakar, formar Director of public relations, at Doordarshan (Jaipur Telivision), 1994 about ANUVRAT MOVEMENT and its global impact.
  • Interviewed by Dr. Ved Prakesh, Director, Hindi Granth Academy, Jaipur, on Jaipur Doordarshan about my contribution to global nonviolence.

I have translated into English, authored and edited the following books. All of them, except one, have been published:

The Books Translated into English by me :

  • Moral and Spiritual Values (Naitik Pathmala) by Muni Mathmal Later Acharya Mahapragya (Translated) published by Adarsh Sahitya Sangh in 1976.
  • New Age : New Outlook (Naya Yug : Naya Darshan) by Dr. (Muni) Nagraj (Translated) published by Arhat Prakashan, Kolkata in 1981.
  • Translated Sahityalochan by Babu Shyam Sunderdas into English (Dissertation) for M.Phil. (ELT), Rajasthan Univeristy 1981.
  • Translated into English four volumes of Manas, a Hindi classic on the patterns of human mind authored by Dr. Gulab Kothari published by Rajasthan Patrika in 2011.
  • Translated into English Purusharth Chatusthaya, a narrative poem by Dr. Gulab Kothari based on the philosophy of four pursuits dharma, artha, kama and moksha. Its English edition is entitled The Tao of Spirituality published by Rajasthan Patrika in 2011.
  • Translated into English – Dr. Kothari’s narrative poem Aadyaa addressed to his granddaughter Aadyaa published by Rajasthan Patrika in 2014.
  • Translated Dr. Gulab Kothari’s Book Brahm Vivart into English with the title Cosmic Infinity : A Vedic Perspective. It has been published by Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Govt. of India.
  • Translated ‘Re Manava Mere’ narrative poem in Hindi by Dr. Gulab Kothari into English with the title O My Mind. It is published by Pilgrims Publishing in 2018.
  • Translated into English a Collection of Lectures by Dr. Gulab Kothari published with the title ‘Within Lies Harmony’ published by Rajasthan Patrika in 2020.

The Books Edited by me :

  •  Acharya Tulsi: A Peacemaker Par Excellence (Acharya Tulsi Jivan Katha) by late Acharya Mahapragya (edited and translated) published by Anuvrat Vishva Bharati in 1987 and republished in 1999.
  • Acharya Tulsi: Fifty Years of Selfless Dedication (Edited) Prof. Bhatnagar was the Editor-in-Chief – 1985 published by JVB Ladnun, Raj INDIA
  • Dharama Chakra Ka Pravartan (Hindi Edited) – 1986 JVB Ladnun, Raj INDIA
  • ANUVIBHA – a special report in Hindi on the International Conference on Peace and Nonviolent Action held at Ladnun from December 5-7, 1988 (chief editor).
  • Edited Ladnun Declaration (1988), Rajsamand Declaration on Training in Nonviolence (1991) and the 1995 Ladnun Declaration for a Nonviolent World and Ecological Harmony Through Spiritual Transformation (1995) – allpublished by Anuvrat Vishva Bharati (ANUVIBHA).
  • Edited the Special Commemorative issue of Anuvibha Reporter in sacred memory of late His Holiness Acharya Tulsi Oct.-Dec. 1997. It waspublished byAnuvrat Vishva Bharati (ANUVIBHA).
  • Edited the Special Issue of Anuvibha Reporter covering the proceedings of the IV ICPNA held in November 1999 in Delhi. It contains articles by delegates on Ahimsa and Conflict Management and runs in 320 pages. It is hailed as a resource book in Ahimsa. It was published by Anuvrat Vishva Bharati (ANUVIBHA) in 1999.
  • Training in Nonviolence : Theory and Practice – a resource book for non-violence trainers by Acharya Mahapragya. It was translated into English as well as edited by me. It was published by Anuvrat Vishva Bharati (ANUVIBHA) in 2009.
  • Edited Towards a Nonviolent Future : Seeking Realistic Models of Peaceful Co-existence and Sustainability – a detailed report of the 8th ICPNA published by Anuvrat Vishva Bharati (ANUVIBHA) in 2014 (374 Pages).
  • Edited ‘Contribution of Acharya Mahaprajna to Indian Culture’ by Prof. Dayanand Bhargava and published by JVBI Ladnun in 2017.

The Books Authored by me :

  •  Authored a section on Jainism containing elucidations of about 80 Jaina technical terms of the book entitled Indian Philosophical Terms: Glossary and Sources, published jointly by K.J. Somaiya Bharatiya Sanskriti Peetham, Mumbai (India) and the Institute of Jainology, UK (2005).
  • Amrit Purush Acharya Tulsi (Hindi) (Authored) published by Anuvrat Vishva Bharati (ANUVIBHA) (1987).
  • Anuvrat Movement (English) (Edited and partially authored) published by Anuvrat Vishva Bharati (ANUVIBHA) 91985).
  • Acahrya Mahapragya : A Journey to Wisdom published by Harper Element, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers India (2015).
  • Acharya Mahapragya : Memorial Volume edited by me. It is under the process of publication.
  • ‘Ritual and Symbol: Their Role in the Jain Religious Tradition` has been published in the special issue of “Dialogue and Alliance” spring 1990 volume – No. 1 published by International Religious Foundation, New York, U.S.A.
  • `Nonviolent Jain Religious Tradion : Unique Features and Common Values` has been published in the special issue of Alliance and Dialogue Volume II – No. 2 Autum/Winter 1997, New York, USA.
  • `Ethnic and Communal Conflicts with Particular Reference to the Indian Subcontinent: An Overview, Causes and Countermeasures` has been published in the book entitled `Peace Strategies for Global Community and the role of the UN in the 21st Century brought out by Kyung Hee University, South Korea.
  • ‘The Problem of Climate Change and Sustainable Remedial Measures’ published in a special Journal brought out on the occasion of celebrating NGOs sixty years with United Nations on the eve of the 60th Un NGO conference held in New York from Sept 05 to Sept 07, 2007.
  • ‘A New Paradigm of Socio-Economic World Order from a Jain Perspective’ published in Allien Dialogue Spring / Summer 2008 Vol 22 No. 1.
  • ‘Is Universal Peace Possible ? A Jain Response to its Deeper Aspects’ published inAlliance and DialogueVol 31, No. 2, Winter 2017 New York.

Senior English Teacher (School Lecturer)
Gandhi Vidyalaya, A Higher Secondary School
Gulabpura (Rajasthan) 1961 to 1970

Post Graduate Teacher in English
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, India
(Kota and Jaipur) 1970 to 1986

Vice-Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
(retired voluntarily in July 1993)

Air Force Kendriya Vidyalaya Jodhpur &

Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1 Jaipur 1987 to 1993

Worked as Academic Director, Semester in India Programme for the Undergraduates of US Universities organized by Sann Research Institute, Boulders, U.S.A. from 2004 to 2007.

Taught English as a Foreign/Second Language to the students of Secondary and Senior Secondary classes at Gandhi Vidyalaya, Gulabpura and Kendriya Vidyalaya, India from 1961 to 1993.

Acted as a resource person in five ELT courses meant for Trained Graduate and Primary Teachers of Kendriya Vidyalayas from 1972 to 1986.

Conducted contact cum correspondence courses in ELT for the PRTs of the Schools I worked at.

Oversaw and guided British Volunteer Teachers posted at Gandhi Vidyalaya, Gulabpura under the joint sponsorship of the British Council of India and VSO England 1966 to 1970.

Was entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing, guiding and helping the British and Foreign School Society Volunteer Teachers, Jaipur (1982-83).

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