Eminent Universities and Institutes of
Higher Education of the World,
Dr. Gandhi spoke at whose Peace Institutes or
Conflict Resolution Centres

S.No. Universities and Institutes Date
1 Institute of Peace, University of Hawaii May 23-May 28, 1987
2 Institute of Oriental Philosophy, Soka University June 01, 1987
3 West London Institute of Higher Education National Religious Education Centre June 01, 1998
4 IATEFL Conference, University of Warwick, UK Mar 31-Apr 03, 1989
5 IATEFL Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland Mar 28-Mar 31, 1990
6 Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, USA Aug 26, 1990
7 Schumacher College, Totness, Devon UK
Attended Gaia Course with noted international physicist Dr. Fritjof Capra
May 31-Jun 30
8 Duquesne University, Institute of Spirituality
In response to an invitation from Prof. Bill Headly
Aug 07-Aug 09, 1993
9 Institute of Conflict Resolution and Analysis, George Mason University Fairfield, USA Aug 10, 1993
10 IPRA Conference, hosted by the University of Queensland, Australia, Brisbane July 07-July 13, 1996
11 Kyong Hee University, Seoul, South Korea Sept 17 to Sept 19, 1996
12 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Seoul, in response to an invitation from Prof. Jeremey Seligson Sept 20, 1996
13 A seminar on Policy, Ethics and Values held at the House of Lords in response to an invitation from Dr. Thomas Daffern, Director IIPSGP July 06, 1998
14 The Centre of the Study of World Religions Harvard University – International Conference on Jainism and Ecology July 11-July 12, 1998
15 Henry Martin Institute, Hyderabad
Paper on Jain Principle of Anekant and Religious Reconciliation
Nov 06-Nov 08, 2001
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