The Cities and Countries visited by Dr. Gandhi

S.No. Country Name City Name
1 USA 1. Honolulu
2. New York
3. Houston
4. Washington DC
5. San Francisco
6. Los Angeles
7. Concord
8. Chicago
9. Pittsburg
10. Fairfield
11. Stanford
2 Japan 1. Tokyo
2. Tsu City
3. Hiroshima
4. Kyoto
3 UK 1. London
2. Warwick
3. Totness
4. Leicester
4 Uzbekistan 1. Tashkent
5 Russi 1. Moscow
6 The Netherlands 1. The Hague
7 Sweden 1. Stockholm
8 Ireland 1. Dublin
9 Italy 1. Rome
2. Milan
3. Pesaro
10 Canada 1. Victoria BC
11 Spain 1. Barcelona
12 Denmark 1. Copenhagen
13 Australia 1. Brisbane
2. Melbourne
14 South Korea 1. Seoul
15 China 1. Hong Kong
16 South Africa 1. Cape Town
17 Germany 1. Hanover
2. Aachen
3. Munich
4. Munster
5. Osnabruck
18 Indonesia 1. Bali
19 Hungary 1. Sopron
2. Budapest
20 Cyprus 1. Nicosia
21 Poland 1. Krakow
22 Mexico 1. Mexico
23 Switzerland 1. Geneva
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